Throwback Thursday and Some Covid-19 Journey Thoughts

Hey everyone, I wanted to share some thoughts with you. Before you read this here. Please consider going to my Patreon page and read it there. While you’re there – sign up to be a patron. $1 a month gets you access to my content.


Here’s a piece I completed a while back. You all may have seen it already, but I feel like the world could use a rescue right now from a hero. As we struggle through this crazy time of quarantine there are a few things I wanted to share. 

This morning we had a dense fog that was covering our area of Alberta. It left this amazing frost on the trees. My amazing wife went for a short walk down the driveway. When she returned she mentioned how the fog is like the state of the world. We can’t see very far in front of us. We do t really know day to day how everything is going to change. It makes our world smaller and yet in the midst of that imposed short-sightedness there is much beauty. In a way, it has forced us to stop and see the things around us. Like the amazing ice crystals on the trees, we can see the beauty in our families. Our homes. Close things. It’s like a forced moment to stop, which we as a culture, have a hard time doing. 

I am finding it hard too. My routine is out the windows and I’m finding concern regarding the state of the world. I will try to stop and breathe and see the world around me. 

Also, as a believer, I am resting in the hope I have. This world isn’t the end. It makes me think of that scene in Lord of the Rings, the Return of the King, where Osgiliath is under siege and Gandalf tells Pippen not to fear death. That it’s not the end of the journey. I love living this life. I love my family, I love my friends, my work and where we live. But it’s not the end. It’s not the whole picture. It’s but a fragment of my reality. 

I hope wherever you are today, that you are able to stop, breathe, and see the beauty around you. If you believe. Hold to your hope. For all of us, I wish peace, perseverance, steadfastness, support, safety, and endurance to go through all this. 

Be blessed and be good to each other people. We each have the opportunity to be heroes to each other. 



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