Improving the Artists Ability to See

As you may know, I have been on a journey to create 100 portraits. I am counting the piece I posted today, depicting Tom Holland, as #60/100. This process has stretched out far longer than I had hoped. My goal was to complete 100 portraits in 2021. I realized at about number 50 that that […]
Process Video for Wheel of Time Fan Art Painting

Hey everybody, I’ve posted a new process video on my youtube channel which shares my process for creating Nynaeve al’Meara for the upcoming Wheel of Time Tv Series. I’ve really been enjoying creating fan art around the cast of the show.
Captain Marvel Portrait

Hey gang! I’ve completed my latest superhero portrait! It’s a timely rendition of Captain Marvel. I hope you like her. I’d like to say I’m going to go see the movie but I have a sneaking suspicion that time and budget will not allow it! Let me know what you think of her in the […]
DC Superhero Takeover

Hey everyone! Last year I decided to try my hand at creating some superhero fan art. I started with none other than the fastest man alive. The Flash. Moved onto the Green Arrow and just recently finished Supergirl. I personally think that the actors, Grant Gustin, Stephen Amell and Melissa Benoist have been very well […]
How to Draw a Portrait in Procreate on Apple iPad Pro
Hey gang! I finally finished this video how to. I hope you get a chance to look at it and I welcome any feedback you may have! Thanks so much!
Procreate on iPad Pro – Review

Hey gang! A few months back we were fortunate to be able to pick up a couple of Apple iPad Pros for Pulp Studios Inc. I’ve had the opportunity to play around with this new toy (AHEM! I mean productivity tool) and have been pushing myself to create paintings in Procreate. As you may know […]
Anne Procreate Portrait
Hey gang! Here is my first Procreate portrait process video! Enjoy!