GPT-Researcher – On the Edge of AI Agent Viability

INTENTION The purpose of this article is to share my experience attempting to implement GPT-Researcher on my M1 silicon-based MacBook Pro. I’ll provide an overview of the process, including my struggles, lessons learned, and high-level reflections on AI agents. This article also includes links to helpful resources, pain points I encountered, and tips for navigating […]
AI and Children’s Book Creation

I recently received a comment from a Linked In user on my shared article about collaborating with Adobe Firefly on a portrait: Is generative art held in the same regard as hand rendered work? Would the audience have a negative or adverse response to generative art compared to hand rendered work? The question came from […]

Can generative AI be used to help an artist set up a composition or concept for an illustration? I’ve been experimenting over the past number of months with various generative AI tools and trying to sort out my own feelings and thoughts regarding Generative AI. I used Adobe Firefly as the Generative AI target here. […]

Can we use AI in an ethical way as artists? Can it become a valuable tool for us under the right circumstances or is it all evil? I recently came across a video by the Corridor Crew on YouTube. We Made Famous Cartoons Into REAL Humans. This video is a year old, and you […]
Teaching Portrait Drawing to Youth

I have recently been teaching portrait drawing to young artists at the Leduc Arts Foundry in Leduc, Alberta. I’m going to be helping out there for the Youth Drop in on Tuesdays now and then. I’m also looking at running some workshops there focused on portraiture. I love teaching. I have had the privilege of […]

We’ve all had those seasons in life where you just can’t seem to stay on top of everything. I kind of hate that season. But I do it to myself. I tend to want to do everything and I also find that my nature to pursue excellence pushes me to get scattered at times. Often, […]
Galadriel – Fanart for The Rings of Power the New Lord of the Rings series coming from Prime Video in September, 2022

Yesterday, in a hazy, covid induced fog, I completed this painting of Morfydd Clark as Galadriel. This fanart piece was created in the vein of the work that I have been doing in relation to the Wheel of Time TV series since 2019. Taking the actors cast in the show and depicting them as the […]
Improving the Artists Ability to See

As you may know, I have been on a journey to create 100 portraits. I am counting the piece I posted today, depicting Tom Holland, as #60/100. This process has stretched out far longer than I had hoped. My goal was to complete 100 portraits in 2021. I realized at about number 50 that that […]

I’m working on a concept about being in quarantine.Art has always been an outlet for me in times of stress. It’s kind of how I process things. In this case, it feels like we are in a story. A fantasy or science-fiction drama set in the beginnings of a society approaching dystopia.So…the project idea came […]
Process Video for Wheel of Time Fan Art Painting

Hey everybody, I’ve posted a new process video on my youtube channel which shares my process for creating Nynaeve al’Meara for the upcoming Wheel of Time Tv Series. I’ve really been enjoying creating fan art around the cast of the show.