Improving the Artists Ability to See

As you may know, I have been on a journey to create 100 portraits. I am counting the piece I posted today, depicting Tom Holland, as #60/100. This process has stretched out far longer than I had hoped. My goal was to complete 100 portraits in 2021. I realized at about number 50 that that […]
8 Tips for Managing the Creative Journey in the Context of Life

On July 15, 1977, a small 6lb boy was born to a young couple who lived in the small town of Gibbons northeast of Edmonton. That boy is now 42! What in the what? How did I get here already. 42 and almost 19 years married (to the most amazing woman! I successfully married up.). […]
100% Effort is Contextual

I always tell my kids that I don’t really care what their marks are looking like in school as long as they give 100% of their effort. I believe if they apply this mindset to life, they will ultimately succeed. We all have different levels of passive talent. However, if we learn to apply ourselves […]
How to Draw a Portrait in Procreate on Apple iPad Pro
Hey gang! I finally finished this video how to. I hope you get a chance to look at it and I welcome any feedback you may have! Thanks so much!
Procreate on iPad Pro – Review

Hey gang! A few months back we were fortunate to be able to pick up a couple of Apple iPad Pros for Pulp Studios Inc. I’ve had the opportunity to play around with this new toy (AHEM! I mean productivity tool) and have been pushing myself to create paintings in Procreate. As you may know […]
Solo A Star Wars Portrait
Hey gang! In this video you can see my process of creating this portrait of Han Solo or Harrison Ford. I used photoshop to create this piece. I hope you like it!