This summer I had the privilege of creating a mural for Gull Lake Centre.

The mural was to be in support of the 100th anniversary of the camp. But due to COVID-19 the celebration was postponed.
It was uncertain wether the project would go forward or not. Thankfully, it did. The mural is very large. 113 feet by 14 feet (though the height of the wall fluctuates some because of the grade of the ground.)
Conceptually, the mural was to depict the aspect of the camp being build on work and prayer. Years of work and effort by camp supports and years of prayer for the camp.

I integrated seagulls to represent the campers who attend camps at the centre. The aspect of the mural that I am most proud of is the design of the piece. I feel that it really came together and carries the meaning they were going for.

It’s my hope that I will get the opportunity to do more work like this in the future. Though it was very challenging, it was a real delight to complete. I’m grateful for the help of my wife and kids. They shaved a good 2 days off my working time. (at least)