Things to Read

Hey everybody,It’s been over a month since my last post. It’s been a busy month! I haven’t had opportunity to work on Our 1984 but have instead been tremendously busy getting Pulp Studios off the ground with Kelly while managing client work for my other business Live Pixel Design. I’ve also had the opportunity over […]

He’s so cute! Behold the mighty Troll. As you may know already, a few months back my hard drive was wiped clean during an attempted install of windows xp on my mac. In that tragedy was lost two concept paintings of a troll. Well here, back from the dead or re-illustrated I guess you could […]
Temporal Flux

Hey everyone. No, I haven’t abandoned ship. I’ve just been rowing in a different direction for over a month. Unfortunately, I have nothing new to share with you regarding Our 1984. In light of that fact I thought I’d welcome you back on board with me by sharing with you what has caused this recent […]
Jon Foster and Technological Terror
Hello everyone. It’s been an interesting week. I’ve been diligently working away at a 3 minute animation piece for Alberta Education. I’m very busy with this and have been unable to do any work beyond a few small sketches and making some notes for concept work for Our 1984. I wanted to share my dismay […]
Location Drawing and the Character of Environments
Hey everyone,Just a few thoughts I wanted to share. I’m still going through Illustrating Children’s Books by Martin Salisbury. One section of the book deals with creating a sense of place in your images. The focus here is on using location drawing to inform your studio drawing. This has caused me to consider the spaces […]
Learning About Concept Drawing
Hello friends. As I am on a forced hiatus due to work commitments I felt the need to include a quick post here on some of the learning I’ve been doing related to style and character concepts. In the book, The Skillful Huntsman: visual development of a Grimm tale at Art Center College of Design, […]
Characters – Design and Familiarity
Welcome back! I’ve completed the character turnaround for the younger brother. As well as a comparison sheet so you can see the brothers side by side to scale. I’ll share those here as well as a character snap shot similar to the image of the older brother fleeing from the killer bee I posted earlier. […]
A Few Details On Panels
I’ve been reading Illustrating Children’s Books: Creating Pictures for Publication by Martin Salisbury (Course director for the first school in the UK to offer an MA in Children’s Book Illustration). Being new to the world of Children’s Book Illustrations is great! I’ve discovered many new illustrators and have enjoyed learning about the history of the […]
Composing Backgrounds
My, how time flies. It’s been 19 days since my most recent post. My apologies, life has been very busy, but that’s not why you are all here so I will spare you all the wonderful details. This post will take you through a very quick breakdown of some of the processes I’ve gone through […]
Characters – First Takes
Hey there gang! Buckle up! In this post you’ll see early concept work for the characters in the book as well as some finished concept items. The sketches helped me immensely with the process of arriving at the final style for the illustrations in the book. You can probably notice a struggle in this series […]