Things to Read

Hey everybody,
It’s been over a month since my last post. It’s been a busy month! I haven’t had opportunity to work on Our 1984 but have instead been tremendously busy getting Pulp Studios off the ground with Kelly while managing client work for my other business Live Pixel Design. I’ve also had the opportunity over the past month to do some painting in live venues. Once for a local musicians cd release party and once for a fund raising function at a local church. The work for Live Pixel Design has included a very fun animation project. Three animated shorts designed to help students in grade 2 learn some Math concepts. I thought it would be fun to share some of the concept work for that here.

I’ve been setting the characters up in Flash and created a few test animations to see how the process will work. I thought it’d be fun to share those with you here as well.

In the next month I will be making time for Our 1984, I’ve neglected this passion project far too much and haven’t created dedicated time for it. I am again inspired to move forward with the project by the very person who initially inspired me to take it on.

Nate Simpson, the illustrator and author behind the awesome looking comic book he’s been working on this past year. Instead of being disappointed by my lack of commitment I want to encourage you to check out his blog. He is one of the most fan appreciative people I’ve ever seen and has a great knack for writing. His blog posts on the process of writing, illustrating and pimping his comic book are absolutely entertaining. Check out his blog. You won’t be disappointed!

I’ll be in touch soon.